Keyword: «self-attitude»

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The analysis of the psychological characteristics of students to adapt to the Wu-zu. A re-view of psychological research on adaptation of the self. We formulate the problem of in-sufficient information about the actual process of adaptation stu-dents to the university as part of the future of personal professional. On the empirical sample of students of the three groups (high adaptability, medium and low adaptability) students were investigated: the level of adaptation, self-attitude. It turned out that there are differences in the self-students with high and low adatirovannosti.
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The article presents brief theoretical analysis of the self-attitude and life satisfaction problem, as well as the results of empirical research of the self-attitude and life satisfaction components among medical students. It analyses differences in components of self-attitude and life satisfaction among boys and girls; it states the relationship between self-respect, sympathy for yourself, internal instability and life satisfaction in adolescence.
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The article discusses of the relationship between adaptation and the self-attitude in students with disabilities, attention is paid to the features of inclusive education in the university. The article consists of a theoretical part, where an analysis of the scientific data regarding the problems of adaptation of students with disabilities, as well as of a practical part where the results of our study to examine the relationship of self-attitude on adaptation of students with disabilities.
The article discusses the results of a study of the characteristics of self-attitude in older adolescents who are prone to deviant behavior. As a result of a comparative analysis of groups of older adolescents with pronounced and unexpressed tendencies towards deviant behavior, the author comes to the conclusion that among adolescents with deviations, self-attitude is characterized as predominantly negative with reduced self-esteem and autosympathy and pronounced tendency to self-deprecation.
V stat'ye otrazheny rezul'taty teoreticheskogo i empiricheskogo izucheniya kharakteristik samootnosheniya u podrostkov, perezhivayushchikh shkol'nyy bulling. Predstavleny osnovnyye opredeleniya etogo fenomena i rezul'taty samootnosheniya u podrostkov po raznomu perezhivayushchikh shkol'nyy bulling, poluchennyye s pomoshch'yu oprosnika «Situatsiya bullinga v shkole» i test-oprosnika samootnosheniya V. V. Stolina, S. R. Panteleyeva.