Keyword: «digital educational resources»

The article discusses the possibilities of using digital educational resources in the practice of a chemistry teacher. Particular attention is paid to the organization of the development of the practical part of the school chemistry program in distance learning. A brief description of the structure of virtual practical work is given. The resources of the Internet are proposed that will allow you to effectively organize its implementation.
This article presents the development of a technological map within the framework of interdisciplinary network interaction on the subject «The world around us» with elements of integrating the tools of the Digital educational system «Mobile electronic education» in primary school.
This article presents the development of a technological map within the framework of interdisciplinary network interaction on the subject «The world around us» using tools of the Digital educational system «Mobile electronic education» in primary school.
The article discusses the methodology for teaching students of the seventh grade of the main general education school on the topic "Polynomials" using active teaching methods at various stages of the lesson and the use of AMO at different types of lessons. The object, subject, goals and objectives of the study are described.
The article substantiates the relevance of digital learning resources. Details about one of the digital learning resources, where you can borrow or create your own interactive learning materials. And presented methodological developments in the use of DER in the learning process of mathematics.