Keyword: «informatics»

The article discusses the current issue of support of educational activities through the introduction of automated software modules. The authors analyze some aspects of the content and development of programs to automate the learning process. A specific software implementation of the educational application "Quadrangles" in mathematics by means of the C#programming language is proposed. The relevance of the article is due to the need to introduce information and communication technologies in the educational process
The article discusses the use of automated tools to support the work of teachers. As an example the educational and methodical project on mathematics of "The system of the linear equations" is considered. Contents of the software application and the basic principles of work with it reveal. Authors described separate aspects of realization of system components and tools of a program cover. Special attention is paid to questions of programming at the organization of an examination of pupils. The relevance of article is connected with growth of interest in use of opportunities of IT technologies in educational process.
Today there is a problem of a shortage of teachers of English and computer science, especially in remote, small educational institutions. In this regard, the issue of training teachers with sufficient foreign language communicative competence becomes relevant. This problem made it possible to develop and implement a bachelor's program with two training profiles (foreign language (English) and computer science) using CLIL-technology.
The article actualizes the problem of finding new meaningful directions for the use of artificial intelligence in computer science lessons. The author briefly describes the means and methods for implementing artificial intelligence in computer science lessons. The found tools and created guidelines for the use of these tools will help teachers use artificial intelligence in their computer science lessons.