Keyword: «intelligence»

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The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence and the ability to self-presentation students directions of training "Psychology". The authors examined the various approaches to the definition of emotional intelligence, revealed the influence of components of emotional intelligence on the tactics of self-presentation among students.
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The paper discusses the issue of egocentrism among primary school children with signs of giftedness. Society needs people with all kinds of talent, and this diversity is prepared and already apparent in the early school years. Egocentrism among primary school children with signs of giftedness also causes difficulties in relationships with peers. Egocentrism among primary school children with signs of giftedness brings many problems, which can be solved by the help of teachers and psychologists.
The rationale of this paper is characterized by the main role of emotions in the personal development, the high interest of native and foreign specialists to this issue, and understudied developmental problems of teen-age emotional intelligence development. It is given the data of emotional intelligence tests of 6th and 8th forms schoolchildren in Orenburg. The emotional intelligence level was scored by test «EmIn» suggested by D.V. Lusin. As a result of empirical research the difference of informative features in the structure of younger and elder schoolchildren’s emotional intelligence was developed.
The article examines the current state of the university learning process. The classically formed direction of learning by trainees is shown. The need to develop the creative abilities of learners has been revealed. The basic conditions for the development of creative thinking of cadets in the process of training and education at a military university have been revealed.
The article reveals the importance of didactic computer games in the development of fine motor skills and cognitive processes in preschoolers. Some requirements are described the organization of a child's work on the computer. The system of classes is presented in the article.