Keyword: «modern teenagers»

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Fast changing living conditions, social stratification have resulted in the loss of stability and confidence in the future, weakening of family and traditional values. A family is the main social institution, which has difficulties in formation of moral values in children. The whole social situation makes us deliberate about the problem: what moral guidelines, purports and values will determine their future social existence? The theoretical importance of research consists in determining the causes that lead to differences between understanding and learning of values in secular and orthodox schools. The authors suppose that the main causes of it are the following: changing of socio-economic conditions of development in modern Russian society; conditions and traditions of family education; educational system in schools; some features of teenagers’ subcultural traditions; the influence of media on the formation of modern spiritual and moral ideals system. The practical significance of the research consists in finding the means and methods that allow us to study the common and different aspects in the development of spiritual and moral values by modern high school students. It is found that honour, personal dignity, conscience, justice and moral duty are generally appreciated spiritual and moral values. There is difference in understanding of such concepts as philanthropy, will and faith in good. Moreover, it is found out that such concepts appeared to be in the zone of non-acceptance and (or) are neglected as values. 16 % of secular high school students do not accept and do not understand such moral criteria as philanthropy, will and faith in good and exclude them from the list of their personal values. After this research, we think that it is necessary to study key aspects of this problem. We need to find the conditions that help us with the formation of spiritual and moral values system in both secular and orthodox schools.
The problem of youth values is relevant, despite the fact that many scientists have been interested in this problem, questions about the true and false values of modern adolescents have not been studied enough. 5.2. Goals and methods. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the value system of modern adolescents. The following methods are used in the article: survey and testing, using the methodology of M. Rokich's «Value orientations». 5.3. Results. The conducted pilot study showed that the surveyed group of modern adolescents is dominated by true values that are associated with health, spiritual balance, passion for activities, etc. False values, such as hedonism, were observed only in individual adolescents. At the same time, the survey results showed that teenagers also attach great importance to a busy life and career. 5.4. Conclusion. The data obtained indicate that in modern adolescents there is a predominance of true values over false ones