Keyword: «phraseological unit»

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The paper presents a quantitative description of the phraseology in E. I. Nosov’s journalistic texts (phraseological units of low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency) and the analysis of functional and stylistic peculiarities of the author’s use of set phrases.
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Specifics of representation of functional and semantic category of inexpressible in the Russian folklore is analyzed in the article. The article focuses on the expressive features of “neither to think nor to guess” phrase in national Russian folk tales. The meaning of inexpressible in phraseological expression creates fairy tale atmosphere of magic. Learning the expression is important in practice of the Russian language teaching to foreigners.
The article analyzes the aspects of the study of phraseological units-somatizms at the present stage of linguistic science, systematizes the theoretical prerequisites for the multidimensional study of this concept. The relevance of the study determined that in the framework of modern linguistic science has not yet determined the theoretical significance of the phraseology of somocismo, reflecting the peculiarities of national consciousness, and explored their place in the language picture of the world.
The article deals with the ways of expressing emotions in J. Moyes’ bestseller “Me Before You”. The novelist’s stylistic devices and expressive means are viewed within the context of her imagery and themes. The writer comes to the conclusion that the novel under analysis abounds with figures of speech showing explicit expressive potential. The reader’s emotional feedback is caused in the process of interpretation. Frequent use of emotionally colored tropes accounts for the worldwide popularity of the book.
The article discusses phraseological units with components –names of shoes and its details. An attempt was made to present a variety of semantics of phraseological units with one component, to describe the types of relations of the cultural component of phraseological units with the component name of shoes.