Keyword: «plot»

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The article deals with the pecularities of the poetic style of the opriginal poem "The grasshoper-musician", written by Y.P.Polonsky in 1895.
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The article is devoted to stories and images of traditional culture in the space of modernity. Discusses the influence of folklore traditions on the nature of modern culture. These are the techniques of using images of traditional folk culture in modern life.
The work of E. Zamyatin, one of the most famous neo-realist writers of the first third of the 20th century, naturally attracts great interest of literary critics. However, with an abundance of articles and monographs devoted to the writer's work, today there are still relatively few works exploring the influence of the traditions of Russian classical literature on the novel “We”. The scientific novelty and relevance of the presented article lies in the experience of a systematic analysis of the influence of ideas, themes, images, motives of several works of Russian classics of the 19th century on the novel “We”. It seems reasonable to compare the socio-philosophical problems, the figurative system, plot situations and compositional techniques in the novel by E. Zamyatin and in the works of N. Gogol, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, F. Dostoevsky, N. Chernyshevsky, I. Turgenev. The topic considered in the article can provide additional material both for further study of Zamyatin's work and for the study of the literary process in the twentieth century. The main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in the preparation of university courses on the history of Russian literature of the twentieth century, in the development of special courses on the work of E. Zamyatin.
The article traces the history of methodological searches for an effective research strategy for the problem of the interaction of folklore and literature as a special branch of Russian literary studies and folklore studies. The relevance of the stated topic is due to the lack of a sufficient number of theoretical works, based on modern material, as well as the need for conceptual synthesis of classical approaches to the study of literary folklore and new methods, used today in philological science. At the same time, the author gives the idea of the need for an individual approach to the interpretation of a separate author's text so that in the process of comprehension in the system of methodological coordinates do not lose the most valuable thing – the uniqueness of the artist and his creation.
The article discusses aspects of the use of gaming technologies in mathematics lessons in 5th grade. The process of learning to solve plot problems with ordinary fractions, using game technologies, as well as the use of didactic games in the lesson is described.