Keyword: «poetics»

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The article deals with the pecularities of the poetic style of the opriginal poem "The grasshoper-musician", written by Y.P.Polonsky in 1895.
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The article considers problem of the development of modern means of artistic personality formation. By retrospective and comparative analysis of the development of art education in the Left-Bank Ukraine Collegium XVIІІ – beg. The nineteenth century. reveals the impact of arts education on the level of culture and comprehensive development of the school and studens past and present, that is the key objective of modernization of contemporary art education.
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The article discusses the possibility of studying Dickens' "Christmas Carol in prose" in the framework of the module "History of foreign literature" for students. The relevance of the appeal to this topic is due to the importance of the story itself in the context of creativity of a realist, and in the context of the development of English and Western European literature of the XIX century. Christmas in the artistic consciousness of the writer had become an organic form of expression of the general humanistic pathos of his work and was less connected with the religious component. The tradition of the Christmas genre is connected with Dickens in European literature. When studying the "Christmas Carol in prose" it is necessary to turn to the poetics of the text, to determine the components of the genre canon, as well as to characterize the socio-historical background. Realism is inherent in the idea of social determinism of the hero. Scrooge in Dickens ' novel is endowed with utilitarian consciousness. The study of "Christmas Carol in prose "by students of the philological faculty in the 3rd year of full-time education and in the 4th year of correspondence education should be based on their knowledge gained in the framework of the modules" Foreign language "and "Philosophy". For a more correct study of the Dickens’ novel we should refer to the original text in English. The main methods of study are hermeneutic, biographical and historical ones. Forms of work with the "Christmas Carol" may be variable. One of the approaches to the study of this text is the lecture format. However, the artistic nature of the text is more suitable for studying in a practical or seminar class. In a lecture course, the reproductive method is preferable to familiarize students with the story. It allows the teacher to note the key patterns of the evolution of the writer's creativity, which will help in organizing the work of students with specific text. In the format of practical classes, one should consider the possibility of using the method of problem-based learning. This method corresponds to the logic of the study of artwork by students and allows you to solve tasks set by the teacher. The group work technology is used in the organization of the students’ work to study the text of Dickens. The results of the research presented in the article are connected with the fact that it considers the forms of both theoretical familiarizing of students with this text and practical approaches to its research, which will be necessary for the formation of professional competence of the teacher.
The article explores the novel by A. Kuprin «Duel» from the point of view of realization of the most important concept for the writer «own-other». The concept is actualized at all levels of the ideological and poetic system of the work, including in various systems of heroes. The poetics of female images becomes a special form of artistic representation of the concept «own-other» in the novel.
The article considers the poetics of fiction in prose of representatives of Russian literature of Yakutia. It reveals genre identity and folklore and mythological beginning in fantastic prose of writers G. Ugarov and A. Borisova.