Keyword: «reform»

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The author examines modern trends in development of pedagogical thought related to implementation of competence approach in Russian higher education, and new requirements to the level of modern university teacher’s scientific and practical thinking.
Today, in the changed political and economic situation, the market puts the company in a radically new conditions: the stiffness of competition, rapidly changing needs of consumers, fairly high economic instability in the country. Transformation processes in a society radically change their approach to solving economic and social problems and, above all, those related to the person. Developed and implemented innovative technologies to determine the number of personnel, effective system of selection, recruitment and placement, employment, taking into account the interests of production and the worker, the mechanisms of remuneration based on its results, the promotion of workers to improve their conditions of life and recreation. This explains the attention that is paid to the concept of governance, which is located in the heart of man, considered as the highest value. According to her, all control systems should be aimed at better utilization of the capabilities of workers in the manufacturing process that is the basis for efficient operation of the enterprise. That is why the modern concept of enterprise management involves the allocation of a large number of functional areas of management activity that related to the management of human resources component of production - plant personnel. A new research area, called "Human Resource Management", "human resources management", is formed on the sociology of management styk6e with other socio - economic and social - psychological sciences. Domestic and foreign management experience shows that the greatest success achieve those organizations that give priority attention to the problem of personnel. All work on solving personnel problems the organization is reflected in the personnel management system. It is the design of sound personnel management system is now the most important reserve for increasing the efficiency and productivity of production in terms of economic instability. Background research determined that management activities acts in modern conditions as one of the most important factors in the functioning and development of the enterprises of Russia. Implemented in our country economic reforms significantly changed the status of the company.
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Article discloses heroism of the Soviet women in days of the Great Patriotic War on education and protection of children in rear regions of the country. Motherhood was considered as important social and economic function of the woman. Confidence of soldiers at the front in protection of children provided peace of mind being at war and at the same time, cemented unity of the front and back.
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The first Soviet education reform that takes place at the Soviet Far East from 1918 until 1929 is the subject for discussion in the article. The author illuminates general trends between post-revolution and modern modernization of Russian education. Comparative analysis discovers actual scientific significance of research different aspects of reforms as a historical phenomenon, and its laws and tendencies.
In the article on the base of the using of the wide range of sources, there were considered several directions of the reformation of the high school of the Soviet Union in 1950-1960s by example of Kuibyshev industrial institute (nowadays – Samara state technical university). The main aspects of the forced development of the evening and distance study were analyzed. It is shown the start of establishment and strengthening of the given forms of learning outside the city of Kuibyshev (Samara).