Keyword: «religion»

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The crisis of the traditional family becomes important research methods and techniques of social regulation of family relations in contemporary reality. Particular attention is paid to the legal regulation of having the author's opinion the fundamental nature of the general system of social regulation, its value in the preservation of traditional moral family values.
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The article describes historical origins of the concepts of «morals» and «ethics». Morality reflects social demands on the individual in the form of custom, traditions, norms of law. Compliance with the morality associated with cognition of the laws, with the skills to carry them out in accordance with social status of the individual. Morality is based on religious demands on the individual, where the most important is the court's own conscience. The main thing in the moral education is the formation of leading relations to the world, other people and yourself. Morality is a changing concept of morality is an eternal category.
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The paper deals with the changes in the political and religious identity in their interrelation. The author explores the tradition and analyzes the approaches to solve the problem of integration of new ethnic groups in ethnic and religious space of Western European political area.
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The paper analyzes the regulatory protection of the rights of religious Russians. According to the results of the comparative historical and legal study, the author proves the redundancy of legal regulation of religion in the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
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The paper is devoted to the question of religious influence on political development of society, its inclusion in political life of society. The author analyzes the origins of cooperation and conflict between religion and politics; defines the basic research methods in the study of these processes in modern political practice.