Keyword: «requirement»

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The article is devoted to the problem of motivation of firm personnel, at the expense of the tool of corporate values. The problem of motivation and motivation of employees is considered from two positions. From administration position, the founder of the text of mission, and from firm personnel which has to real-ize ideas of mission in the work. The tools and technology of research are proved by the semantic analysis of the text, requirements and personnel values are studied, comparison, comparison of declared ideas and real requirements, personnel values is carried out. Conclusions and effectiveness of mission on scales of turnover of staff are drawn.
The article discusses the requirements of federal state educational standards for the discipline «Foreign Language» in a postgraduate school. Their contents are revealed according to the results of their development («know», «be able», «own») and types of speech activity. The analysis of various models and approaches in learning is given, allowing forming effective language competences and skills that enable them to conduct scientific and professional activities in a foreign language environment.