Keyword: «revolution»

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The article considers the peculiarities of the Russian Far East’s social and economic development in the early 20th century. Study of the said peculiarities within the limits of the native history course is quite essential due to forming of new social and economic relations and political system in the modern Russia while the Russian government pays close attention to the region most distant from the country’s central regions. An opportunity to have impact on forming of correct scientific attitude in students is provided within the framework of the study process
The authors present material on the education of the Soviet and post-Soviet times. The theoretical basis of education is constantly updated and adjusted. This is due to the increase in the amount of knowledge and skills necessary for schoolchildren, data from childhood research, and the development of educational institutions. Over time, upbringing requires major changes. An example of such a transformation of the educational system can serve as a scientific and technological revolution of the 60-70's. The twentieth century and the technological revolution that led to the turn to information-oriented society in the 80-90s of the XX century.
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The article is devoted to the problem of distinguishing the concepts of revolution and opposition in the coordinates of national history. Identifying the contradiction between «progress supporters» and «orthodox persons», the author reinterprets the Marxist-Leninist views on the revolutionary movement in Russia and on the relationship between power and society.