Keyword: «secondary professional education»

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The article deals with the first normative legal documents, which established the basis for the formation of legislative base of secondary professional education in Volga region.
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The article deals with the necessity of formation the foreign language communicative competence under the conditions of present demands of secondary professional education students through linguistic and professionally oriented approaches to teaching foreign languages.
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The article considers with the problem of using modern educational technologies, namely case-technology, in the process of teaching a discipline the "Basics of life safety". Here the concepts are considered as "technology", "educational technology", "pedagogical technology", "case technology", and the didactic principles of the case method are revealed. The purpose of the research is a detection of possibility of application «case technology» as a means of forming of practical skills in the process of teaching a discipline the "Basics of life safety" at institutions of secondary vocational education. A pedagogical experiment conducted on the basis of the College of the Vyatka State University showed that the level of formation of practical skills in students of the experimental group was rather higher than in students from the control group. In the process of studying the "Basics of life safety", by students formed such practical skills as the ability to anticipate the occurrence of dangerous and emergency situations on their characteristic grounds, and also to use various information sources and the ability to apply the received knowledge in the field of safety in practice, to design models of personal safe behavior in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations.
The article describes the features of oral public speech. The main criteria for successful public speech of a teacher are defined. Analysis of the status of speech teachers and the violations of speech etiquette teachers of vocational education Proposed to introduce systematic training on the communicative speech competences of teachers of vocational education.
Some years ago, vocational orientation had less success. Every educational institution worked much for it and wasted a lot of time to inform future students about professional choice. Nowadays internet and gadgets give a great possibility in getting information about educational institutions. Thus, vocational orientation is more effective in our time.