Keyword: «self-awareness»

The article deals with the issues of identity and self-confidence promotion in inclusive schooled hearing-impaired children and adolescents in Schleswig-Holstein / Germany and presents possible solutions such as seminars, leisure activities, online meetings.
The features of the style of self-regulation with different levels of responsibility are studied as an indicator of the semantic activity of high school students, as well as personal and dynamic regulatory properties.
The article considers the problem of the formation of self-consciousness in adolescence. The most important distinguishing feature of this period is the fundamental changes taking place in the sphere of self-consciousness of a teenager, which are of cardinal importance for the entire subsequent development and formation of a teenager as a person.
The article deals with the problem of the conflict of self-esteem of younger adolescents with deviant behavior, the features of the emergence and study of this problem by domestic and foreign scientists, consideration of internal conflict, social deprivation. The results of a study of younger adolescents, the methods used by domestic and foreign authors are given.
Consciousness is a special awareness of the human soul about the things that are really in it, represented and known; it is one of the areas of the human soul that creates and promotes knowledge, a way of knowing. In consciousness, a person simultaneously relates to the outside world and to himself. V.I. Dahl defines consciousness as normal human feelings, sanity, full memory, free will and the ability to account for their actions. Self-awareness is the awareness of one's presence in the world, the belief that the inner self is different from everything, is outside of me, i.e. one of a kind, uniquely different, unique.