Keyword: «personality development»

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The article considers problem of the development of modern means of artistic personality formation. By retrospective and comparative analysis of the development of art education in the Left-Bank Ukraine Collegium XVIІІ – beg. The nineteenth century. reveals the impact of arts education on the level of culture and comprehensive development of the school and studens past and present, that is the key objective of modernization of contemporary art education.
The article presents the data of theoretical and experimental studies on the features of the personality development of teenagers studying in a boarding school of sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment. The developed and tested developmental program of person-based psychological support for teenagers helps to achieve significant positive dynamics in the development of the personal characteristics of students.
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The article examines the role of the teacher in the development of the personality of younger schoolchildren, reveals the individual components of the pedagogical competence of the modern primary school teacher, identifies the various roles of the teacher in the educational process.
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Modern labor market requires of secondary vocational education to train graduates who have not only professional, but also general competencies, including social-communicative, environmental, informational, cognitive, health-saving, civil-patriotic and business competences. The relevance of the research refers to the fact that all elements of curriculum including mathematical and natural science disciplines contribute to the formation of general competences. Thus, the purpose of the conducted research is to try to reveal the significance of mathematical and natural science disciplines in the formation of mid-level specialist’s general competences. The methodology of the research refers to studying of information resources concerning the issue of general competences formation and analysis of the researches focusing on mathematical and natural science education influence on students’ personal development and their practical use. In the article, the author describes the development of theoretical concepts of general and key competencies in foreign scientific literature and their classification in Russian pedagogical literature. Also, the author draws attention to personal and social importance of studying mathematical and natural sciences; particularly, she analyses the content, interdisciplinary relations, generalized scientific knowledge, contributing to the formation of critical thinking and scientific worldview. The author also considers ways of learning natural sciences, where the research and project work of students is essential. The article presents the results of the research conducted at “Buryat Agricultural College named after M.N. Erbanov” which show that mathematical and natural sciences disciplines possess significant informative, methodological potential contributing to development of personal worldview forming general competences of the mid-level specialists. Based on the above-mentioned research the article lists the possible methods of general competences formation with the help of mathematical and natural science disciplines, and those methods may be useful for teachers’ practical work in vocational educational organizations.
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The article presents the methodology of the organization of activities on formation of ecological culture with children of senior preschool age in the format of "stories". Through acquaintance of preschoolers with the works of children's literature. "Stories" is a set of related, interdependent and complementary materials aimed at the development of interest in literature, reading, promoting all-round development of personality of children.