Keyword: «style of self-regulation»

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The article presents the results of study of conscious self-regulation of modern school students (on the example of senior classes’ pupils). In work the author used methodic «The style of self-regulation of behavior» by V.I. Morosanova and the hardware complex «Aktivatsiometr» for diagnostic of psychoemotional stability, stability of thinking, self-regulation of thinking and self-regulation of psychic states.
The empirical possibilities of the resource approach to the study of factors that increase the effectiveness of the educational activity of the school are presented. The emphasis is on the problem of identifying the personal resources of teachers and leaders. The results of the study of the style of self-regulation of teachers and heads of educational organizations with the status of "schools with low educational results" are presented. It was revealed that the problem area in the manifestation of the regulatory and personal properties of the self-regulation system is associated with a low level of expressiveness of teachers' independence, and the point of "growth" is the cognitive-regulatory components of self-regulation of both teachers and managers (first of all, the planning function).