Keyword: «conscious self-regulation»

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The article presents the results of study of conscious self-regulation of modern school students (on the example of senior classes’ pupils). In work the author used methodic «The style of self-regulation of behavior» by V.I. Morosanova and the hardware complex «Aktivatsiometr» for diagnostic of psychoemotional stability, stability of thinking, self-regulation of thinking and self-regulation of psychic states.
The article deals with the problem of the development of conscious self-regulation in the psychological literature. It is indicated that student age plays an important role in the development of self-regulation techniques. It is noted that educational and professional activity ensures the formation of self-regulation techniques. The results of studying the characteristics of self-regulation in groups of students with different levels of disintegration in the value-motivational sphere are presented. The highlighted statistically significant differences in the characteristics of self-regulation among students were confirmed by the methods of mathematical statistics. Recommendations for the psychologist on the development of conscious self-regulation in student age are offered.