Dmitry V. Patrushev

City: Kirov, Russian Federation
Work: Vyatka State University
Post: Senior Lecturer, Department of Design and Fine Arts
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
4 PAPAI index
1 Publications in the journal


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A developing technology in an environment of artistic and creative dialogue is a result of the long-term joint design, educational and exhibition experience. The purpose of this article is to present and justify the authors’ methodological materials on writing a fairy tale based on an artist's painting for fairy tale therapy and for using it in order to develop an individual's creative potential. As a result of the study, the authors have given a definition of “the author’s fairy tale based on the artist’s painting”; summarized theoretical information about the phenomenon of fairy tales; developed an algorithm for writing a fairy tale based on the artist’s painting, justified its psychological structure; made a list of technologies for searching for a plot and selecting fairy tale characters based on painting. It was found that the environment of the exhibition encouraged viewers of the exhibition to become the authors of their own fairy tales based on the painting.
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The article presents the results of the study on the problem of the attitude of employees and students to the university campus through their perception of the characteristics that belong to the groups "beautiful" and "unbeautiful", and the identification of the behavioral attitudes of actors to participate in the improvement of the campus. Main research methods are survey (the authors' development based on the methodological provisions of V.N. Myasishchev); modeling of the architectural and landscape environment; analysis and generalization. The survey was conducted in two stages: assessment of the real university campus and the project on its improvement. 47 employees and 52 students took part in the survey. It was revealed that the respondents perceive the real university campus as “simple” 42.6%, “sad” 25.0%, “careless” and “quite appropriate to the university campus” 14.7% respectively. The grounds of the improvement project are assessed as "beautiful" and "designer" by 23.3% respectively and "quite appropriate for the university campus" by 31.0%. An increase in the activity of respondents to take part in improving the new “beautiful” grounds by 21.9%, to participate in annual subbotniks by 12.3% was found. A sensitive attentive attitude of respondents to the real campus and a positive thoughtful attitude to the project, a sympathetic attitude to its improvement and caring for its preservation were revealed. The authors consider it expedient to more actively involve students and academic teachers in developing projects for improvement of university grounds as part of project activities, term papers and final qualifying papers (projects); to supplement the algorithm for designing the architectural and landscape environment with a component aimed at studying the attitude of actors to the grounds (real and project).