Anna Galyshko

City: Krasnodar
0 Publications in RSCI
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18 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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The process of computerization is gaining momentum every year. Computers, access to Internet resources are available at almost all homes and schools. The use of information and communication technologies leads to the stimulation of mental activity, makes it possible to increase the volume of received information, and systematizes thinking. But is a computer safe for a child?
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The article discusses the actual topic of the importance of using computer games and educational programs in pre-school educational institutions, details the rules and requirements for the organization of the educational environment, justifies the effectiveness of using computer technology in direct educational work for the purpose of preschooler's personality comprehensive development.
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Parents are the first educators of children, preparing them for work and life, giving them labor experience and spiritual wealth accumulated by humankind. Kindergarten educators together with parents try to develop the personality of pupils and provide them with psychological and pedagogical support. In this regard, it is important to develop cooperation with parents, to inform them about the specifics of preschoolers' activities in the kindergarten and to use for this modern methods and forms, including computer technologies.