Ivan Ysenkov

City: Volgograd
0 Publications in RSCI
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5 PAPAI index
4 Publications in the journal


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The article formulates key directions of support and regulation of small and medium business in France. The author gives detailed analysis of legislation features, practice and doctrine of France regarding unfair competition. In conclusion, a comparative table is presented showing key differences in the support and regulation of small businesses in Russia and France.
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The article deals with some peculiarities of regulation and state support of small business in French Republic. The key aspects that determine the success of small and medium-sized enterprises in France are highlighted. The most significant of them are considered in more detail.
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The article considers the key contradictions between secular and confessional in the modern state, society and the norms regulating their functioning. The author illustrates on concrete examples the existence of a society in which liberty of conscience and religion is recognized as the highest value, but actually belongs to the passing epoch of the secular world.
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The article describes the main concepts of the authors who defend the idea of the new post secular society existence, discusses state, law and religion correlation in the modern world. The author demonstrates the inconsistency of the real situation in the sphere of politics, lawmaking and law enforcement with proclaimed at the constitutional level ideals; he draws conclusions about the causes of the situation.