Zoya Kytyzova

City: Orel
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3 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of the presented article is due to the need for a detailed analysis of the characteristic aspects of the evaluation of universal competences during the transition to the 3++ FSES of higher education. In modern professional education, more and more attention is paid to the formation of universal competences among students, since universal competences combined allow graduates to make successful professional career in at least one area. The article examines the essence and content of universal competences of the updated federal educational standards of higher education 3++, taking into account changes and additions, as well as problems related to measuring and evaluating the formation of universal competences of students in the development of bachelor's degree programs. The analysis of the main approaches, techniques and procedures for evaluating the universal competences of students is made. In the process of studying the problem, logical and statistical methods were used, the scientific works on this issue were analyzed, the characteristics of the FSES of higher education 3++ were considered, and universal competences were evaluated. As for the results of the study, the "universal competences" concept is undergoing changes in the modern Russian university due to the introduction of new FSES 3++. This problem can be defined as the identification of universal competences. The classification of universal competences, ideas about the quality of a person in the educational standard, humanistic potential, the quality of goal-setting in educational policy and in quality management of education depend on its solution. This is followed by the conclusion that universal competences are an important means of training future specialists for an innovative economy.
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The relevance of the article is due to the problem of the formation of professional competence among students in the context of the development of a digital educational environment in higher school. The purpose of the article is to analyze the constituent components of the educational information environment at the university. As practice has shown, in the development of education digitalization, this factor determines the need to improve all types of support for the educational process, including the information technology. The transition to digitalization of education initiates the need keep the activities of academic staff in the information and educational environment of the university, methods for its implementation and the search for new information technologies. At the same time, it is important to note that in the context of digital development of education, it is necessary to examine the development of the information and educational environment at the university. The main hypothesis of the study is based on the assumption that the level of formation of professional competence among students will increase if the essence and content of the information and educational environment is revealed in relation to the process of formation of professional competence among university students. The structure of the information and educational environment of the university is theoretically substantiated, which makes the basis for the formation of professional competence in students in the context of education digitalization. The development of the information and educational environment of the university would allow us not only to regulate the theoretical approaches to the study of the concept of "students’ professional competences formation", but also to improve the practical work for their formation. It should be noted that the educational information environment created at the university provides students as subjects in their activities (educational, research, professional, etc.) with such conditions and opportunities under which the formation of professional competence is carried out in the process of studying at the university.
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The relevance of the presented study is conditioned by the need to improve the level of professional competence among students in the pedagogical college. In the modern educational system, the role of information technology is growing, so the importance of this article is in the fact that information technology support of the educational process in pedagogical college influences positively on the quality of education. The article is devoted to the results of experimental work aimed at the formation of students’ professional competence in the pedagogical college by means of information technology support of the educational process. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to describe the experimental work on the formation of professional competence among students of the pedagogical college by means of information technology support of the educational process (on the example of studying a foreign language). The study used an experimental method with a system of the following general scientific principles: objectivity, comprehensiveness of the study, an integrated approach to the study. Relying on the available scientific principles, experimental work was carried out to test the effectiveness of information technology provision of teaching students a foreign language in the pedagogical college in conditions of combination with traditional teaching. In the course of the experimental work, the revealed pedagogical ways of increasing information technology provision efficiency of teaching students a foreign language were tested: optimization of the structure and content, introduction of the didactic information support complex. For this purpose, a pedagogical model was developed for the formation of professional competence among pedagogical college students by means of information technology support of the educational process. Thus, the article reveals the material reflecting the course of the experimental verification of the pedagogical model for the professional competence formation and proves that information technology support of the educational process contributes to improving the level of students' preparation not only in special disciplines but also in the field of studying a foreign language.