Aleftina Byrsova

City: Kropotkin
17 Publications in RSCI
3 H-index
12 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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The paper is devoted to the use of information-communicative technologies for practical classes on the subjects “Providing pre-hospital medical care in emergency and extreme conditions”, “Fundamentals of intensive care”, “Nursing basic training”. The paper shows that computer-based tools provide new opportunities for increasing the digestibility of complex technologies in the educational process. Expanding access to information, increasing the expressive possibilities of acquiring knowledge, teachers connect the rational and emotional aspects, when learning the basics of resuscitation.
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In the article the questions of application of the method of circuit training for the development of power quality in the training of players in the senior school age. Many researchers proposed to improve the strength abilities of the players of high school age physical exercise with increased resistance.
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The article deals with the problems and ways of modernization of Russian education designed to raise the quality of training for various areas of public and economic sectors. The article describes the implementation of the competence-based approach in Russian education, which shifts the emphasis from the content of education on learning outcomes. In the basis of educational models in different countries, and now Russia, lies the path of transition to a multi-level system of training, as the basis for their lies on the common European framework of qualifications.