Keyword: «presentations»

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The article is devoted to the problem of systematization of teaching materials and their placement in the Internet. The main content of the article is the description of the creation of a personal site as a subject teacher. The author summarizes the practical experience of preparation of the texts, graphic and multimedia materials for posting on the website.
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The article deals with the problem of profession-centered English teaching by implementing visual aids in aviation institute. Static and dynamic visual patterns and their functions are described, alongside with tech-niques to use them for fostering future pilots’ professionally meaningful skills.
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The paper is devoted to the use of information-communicative technologies for practical classes on the subjects “Providing pre-hospital medical care in emergency and extreme conditions”, “Fundamentals of intensive care”, “Nursing basic training”. The paper shows that computer-based tools provide new opportunities for increasing the digestibility of complex technologies in the educational process. Expanding access to information, increasing the expressive possibilities of acquiring knowledge, teachers connect the rational and emotional aspects, when learning the basics of resuscitation.
the article was written based on the experience of working at school, about the children's fashion theater of the studio-workshop "World of Costume". In their classes, they used many different videos of fashion shows of successful couturiers, made various presentations and video reports with the children. Participated in online seminars and conferences. This allowed us to visually and visually see all the delights of the modern digital educational space.
This article provides examples of the use of multimedia technologies in biology lessons and describes their role in enhancing the cognitive activity of students, as well as in increasing interest in the subject.