Tatiana Barkova

City: Tambov
Work: Tambov state technical university
Post: teacher of Russian Philology department
0 Publications in RSCI
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6 PAPAI index
4 Publications in the journal


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The comparative constructions, formed with noun «life» are being scrutinised in the article. The structural components’ line of the concept «life» is distinguished by the author in the process of writing. On the one hand, the components are being turned into the attribute of comparison, but, on the other hand, are being extracted due to comparative content. The structural variations of сonjunctions and non-conjunctions are also listed.
The article is provided with the examples of frame structure advantages in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The word 'Election', congruous academical text and required for an disclosure of a topic vocabulary are being the examples of the 'frame hypothesis' implementation according to the author.
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The paper specifies associative text fields, which have been identified as a result of a “nonlinear reading” process of the Tatiana Tolstaya’s narration, which is called “Krug” (“Круг”). Likewise, a quite close bond between associative field ЖИЗНЬ and associative fields: КРУГ, ПУТЬ, is being established. A semantic gestalt of a presented field is being emerged by the process of analyzing associates, which are referring to an associative field ЖИЗНЬ. According to the author’s opinion, the semantic gestalt might be considered as an explication of a specific concept ЖИЗНЬ features. Thus, author makes a conclusion, that a semantic gestalt of an associative text field might have cognitive interpretation.
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The article deals with a few ways of language representation of the temporal component of the concept «live». The author comes to the conclusion that the phase state as a structural concept element «live» is realized by different units of the language system levels: polysemantic derivatives, word combinations, and the representatives of this conceptual property not only indicate some phase state but fill it with a certain event contents.