Keyword: «иностранный язык»

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Teaching spoken grammar has both practical and theoretical character: the necessity to master the spoken register of a foreign language is fixed in the requirements of FSES HE 3++ in the area of training 45.03.02 Linguistics, as well as the ability to analyze linguistic phenomena descriptively from the point of view of linguistic theories. Besides the academic necessity of speaking grammar, its practical role is also obvious. The aim of the study is to review and describe the ways of teaching English conversational grammar to language students. The proposed ways are the result of literature analysis and author's original pedagogical experience. The analysis of English- and Russian-language publications on the research topic for 1962-2024 is given. The transition to descriptive language teaching and the development of corpus technologies became the basis for the expansion of research on spoken grammar: it becomes clear that syntactic variation is the result of changes in the type of discourse. The study of colloquial grammar in the country of the target language is of particular relevance; in other cases, the active use of authentic materials (advertisements, podcasts, chat bots, etc.) is emphasized. The main elements of colloquial English grammar traditionally include omissions, discourse markers, hesitation markers, insertions, emphases, inversions, inversion markers, etc. Summarizing the analysis, it can be noted that conversational grammar can be considered as a component of pragmatic competence and has high theoretical and practical significance in learning a foreign language. Scientific novelty lies in the analysis and highlighting of scientific priorities in the study of spoken grammar, as well as in the generalization and highlighting of techniques for working on the spoken grammar of a foreign language (English) with students of language specialties. In the conclusions, the authors summarize the main aspects of the topic.
This article is focused on the issue of positive motivation development in the process of professional English studying as a crucial condition of readiness for professional interaction. The authors of the article analyze the ways to increase the cadets’ level of motivation.
The article examines the pedagogical conditions for organizing teamwork in a foreign language (using the example of the German language) with the aim of developing the communicative competence of future logistics specialists.
The article examines the content of the textbook on the discipline «Foreign language», which implements the main educational purpose of training – the formation of the communicative competence of foreign military personnel when they master the language of their specialty.
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The relevance of scientific research is due to the need to introduce and use digital technologies in the educational environment of the university. This involves developing effective methodological support. In addition, the importance of visualization when learning foreign languages is the subject of special teacher’s attention. One of the modern tools for effective methodological support can be the technology of immersive sand animation, aimed at developing foreign language emotive competence of master's program students in the educational environment of the university. The purpose of the study is to present the didactic aspect of introducing the author's technology of immersive sand animation using applied artificial intelligence as a tool for developing foreign language emotive competence of master's program students in the educational environment of the university. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the technology of immersive sand animation using applied artificial intelligence as a tool has been proposed and implemented to promote the development of foreign language emotive competence of master's program students in the educational environment of the university. The study attempts to clarify the terms “immersive sand animation”, “applied artificial intelligence”, “foreign language emotive competence”. The didactic potential of using immersive sand animation technology using applied artificial intelligence has been identified. The content of foreign language emotive competence is formulated. The practical significance lies in the fact that the technology of immersive sand animation has been proposed and implemented using applied artificial intelligence as a tool that promotes the development of foreign language emotive competence of master's program students in the educational environment of the university. A set of problem-oriented cases has been developed and integrated in order to develop foreign language emotive competence. The structural and content characteristics of a foreign language emotive competence of master's program students are analyzed. An algorithm for organizing work on the development of foreign language emotive competence of master's program students using a set of specialized stimulating cases is proposed. The use of immersive sand animation technology using applied artificial intelligence contributes to the development of foreign language emotive competence of master's program students.