Keyword: «иностранный язык»

This article examines the impact of social networks on the process of learning foreign languages. Theories such as socio-cultural learning and language immersion are analyzed, which reveal the role of the digital environment in language development. The article explores the benefits of using social networks, including access to authentic language content, the ability to communicate with native speakers and increase motivation to learn foreign languages. Along with this, the main disadvantages of social networks are described. Examples of words and expressions that are used in everyday life and that were borrowed from the Internet are given.
The article examines the relevance of teaching professionally-oriented vocabulary to students of the international department. As a result of the research the essence of the lexical component is studied and the list of principles necessary in teaching a foreign language is provided. As practical recommendations, examples of means of teaching professionally-oriented vocabulary are given.
The article investigates the problems of motivation for learning a foreign language; intrinsic and external motivation. The features of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities and the problems faced by foreign language teachers are analyzed. The author describes the factors influencing motivation in details and enumerates different methodical techniques and strategies for increasing the students’ interest