Keyword: «aggressive behavior»

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The article considers the relevance of named methods and techniques, discussed the results of the study of aggressive behavior of children with mental retardation preschool age.
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The article presents the analysis of the characteristics of aggressive behavior in late teen age, description of psycho-educational programmes for this age. Examines the phenomenon of aggressive behavior, forms of aggression, particularly aggression in late teen age, description older adolescents as age period.
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The article presents the analysis of aggressive behavior and especially the scope of influence of the child-parent relationship on the aggressive behavior of adolescents, studied the problem of building such children-ro-witelski relationships that would facilitate the adequate behavior of adolescents.
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The article presents the analysis of the features of aggressiveness under-shoots. The phenomenon of ag-gression in psychological and educational research is focused on the quality of personality, reflected in readiness for aggression. Aggression-intensity - this is a trait of personality manifests itself in more or less constant hostile attitude of man to man, animals and objects of nature and material culture, the tendency to their destruction and aggressive disproval is included in the action.
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The current study suggests historical and modern (including psychological, etiological, social and biological) approaches to the nature and essence of man. The aim of current review is the development of methodological principles and creation of theoretical background concepts of the origin of psyche. All the con-cepts mentioned above will be presented in the subsequent articles. An overview of the most important ap-proaches, both modern and historical, as well as, analysis of instinktivizm, behavioral, biosocial theories of human nature are presented. The idea of nonhomogeneous human nature is developed. Evolution of nature created phenomenon of man and involved itself in the development of human life. Dynamic systematic ap-proach allows to present the evolution of man in aspect of his mental development. It appears as continuous interdependent process of self-organization. It is suggested that behavior and development of human being is the result functioning of complex systems, which include psychological, biological and physiological components, in which non-linear relationship is operated. Modern man – is final result of a long, inhomogeneous evolutionary chain.