Keyword: «competence»
Modern education involves preparing the young generation, able to learn independently, ready for self-education, self-improvement, self-realization. The use of new information technologies in education provides significant opportunities for the effective solution of this important area. The young generation is formed purposefully through the system of lifelong education, where the main role is given to the teacher, a component in solving the problems of education, in accordance with the requirements of a developing society by various effective means, including information technology.
This article reveals the concept of «ICT competence», explains the importance of digital technologies application in the educational process. The article also enumerates skills and abilities that allow a foreign language teacher to effectively organize the educational process by using MOOC and LMS Moodle learning platforms.
The article considers discussion as an educational technology which facilitates the development of law students’ universal skills. These universal skills comprise thinking competency, interactional competence, self competence. Being involved in discussion within the framework of an intellectual and rhetoric competition, students solve problem tasks. Thus, students’ research skills are improved in unconventional situations.
The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the formation of competencies. This study examines the system for assessing digital competencies in future teachers. The developed tool for assessing digital competencies is described.
The article discusses the goals and objectives of teaching Aviation English in a military Air Force school, assesses the role of the discipline in the system of specialists’ training, and determines its relationship with other disciplines.