Keyword: «conflicts»

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The paper is devoted to the actual problem of psychological nature of creative thinking of a student. In par-ticular, it describes how metacognition can promote solving problems. The interplay between metacognitive knowledge/activities and creative thinking is presented.
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In the article the problems of interethnic relations in the Bryansk region, carried out to identify possible ways of eliminating tension and conflicts, in particular extremism and terrorism.
The article analyzes the aggressive behavior of adolescents in the context of the development of social work in Russia, through which it is revealed that the strongest fear (controlling behavior) in this age period is the fear of «not meeting the social requirements» of the immediate environment (school, peer group, family). The article considers «Family» as one of the main components of the microenvironment in interpersonal relationships, forming the most important qualities of a teenager's personality. The following dysfunctional situations in the family that provoke adolescent aggression are highlighted: overprotection, hypoopection, the «idol» of the family, «cinderella» in the family. The problems of a rigid, dogmatic system of education that does not take into account the child's own activity, his abilities and personal orientation, as well as the perniciousness of overstated requirements are analyzed. The features of the three stages of adolescence are highlighted. The characteristic of adolescent anxiety is given. The causes of the internal contradictory state of adolescents that form their deviant behavior are revealed. The role of an adult significant for a child in the context of the formation of a teenager's life activity is determined. At the same time, the statement is put forward: the meaning of learning lies in the very process of cognition and personal development, and not in the «race» for high grades.
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The article discusses the concept of "incomplete family". The classification of incomplete families is given. The reasons for classifying a family in this category are presented. Risks associated with this status. Recommendatory ways to solve the problem.
Currently, there is a significant transformation of family and marriage relations. A characteristic feature of the 21st century is the rupture of family relations and the nuclearization of the family. So, P. Sorokin in 1913 described these phenomena, among which, an increase in the number of divorces, a decrease in the number of marriages, which affects the sphere of family relations. Therefore, partners in a relationship need to learn how to overcome these conflicts, come to a common solution that suits everyone.