Keyword: «digital didactics»

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Didactic basis requires modernization in the conditions of an information society, complexity, challenge of uncertainty, ambiguity of the modern world. How are we to maintain motivation, the desire to learn among the “digital generation” – schoolchildren who live partly in the real world, partly in the virtual world of social networks, the Internet and gadgets? The previously existing for a long time cognitive (knowledge) approach does not allow the student, the main participant in the educational process, to fill the knowledge that he received in the learning process with personal meaning. In order that the student's activity to be successful, it is necessary to develop the meaning sphere of adolescents, filling knowledge with personal meaning, bringing the educational process to the personal- meaning level. The article discusses a meaning-didactic approach to organizing the educational process. The teacher is faced with an important task, developing the meaning sphere of students, to help them achieve that very “my meaning”. The purpose of the study: to identify opportunities for integrating digital didactics and meaning didactics, to consider meaning formation as a component of the development of digital competences of adolescents. The novelty of this research: the didactic possibilities of the meaning-initiating digital environment are determined. The author considers the concept of “meaning-initiating digital environment” as a factor that initiates the formation of meaning in adolescents. The carried out theoretical analysis of the works on the topic made it possible to highlight the didactic possibilities of initiating the formation of meaning in students in the digital educational space. The author proposes, while maintaining the didactic foundations of the educational process, to integrate meaning-initiating technologies into the digital educational environment. The article provides the author's meaning-initiating digital model of the organization of the educational process, and meaning formation is considered as a component of the development of digital competences of adolescents. This study opens up opportunities for continuing research on the development of the meaning sphere of students. The interpretation of the possibilities of integrating digital didactics and meaning didactics given by the author can be recommended to a wide range of teachers for use in their work.
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In modern education, the effectiveness of learning is directly related to the quality of educational content, methods and teaching aids. Watching educational videos at technology lessons enlivens the learning process, allows us to see the final result of the actions performed in practical classes, and makes it possible to replay those actions that are difficult to understand and reproduce. The issue of selecting educational video content that meets the new standards of education, understandable and available to a certain category of students, has acquired particular importance recently, particularly with the introduction of distance learning. The relevance of this issue is confirmed by the results of a survey conducted among teachers, the purpose of which was to identify difficulties in the selection of educational video content for technology lessons, the level of knowledge about the types of educational video, the necessary skills to make their own video; digital educational resources used by teachers in their work. The purpose of this article is to analyze the didactic opportunities of using educational video in technology lessons to study the topic «Technology of processing textile materials». The main methods for studying the problem are a survey and a pedagogical experiment, the essence of which is the introduction of new techniques and methods of pedagogical influence on the formation of students' skills and abilities in mastering the technology of processing textile materials with the help of educational video. The theoretical significance of the work is in the analysis of the literature on the issue. In addition, the system of requirements for educational video was theoretically substantiated and developed. The practical significance of the article lies in the proposed methodological material on the use of educational video in technology lessons to study the topic « Technology of processing textile materials».
The article presents digital educational resources that math teachers can use both in the classroom and outside of school hours in order not only to systematize knowledge, but also to broaden the horizons of students.