Galina N. Nekrasova

City: Kirov, Russian Federation
Degree: Doctor of Education
Work: Vyatka State University
Post: Professor, Department of Technology and Methods of Teaching Technology
62 Publications in RSCI
5 H-index
48 PAPAI index
12 Publications in the journal


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In modern education, the effectiveness of learning is directly related to the quality of educational content, methods and teaching aids. Watching educational videos at technology lessons enlivens the learning process, allows us to see the final result of the actions performed in practical classes, and makes it possible to replay those actions that are difficult to understand and reproduce. The issue of selecting educational video content that meets the new standards of education, understandable and available to a certain category of students, has acquired particular importance recently, particularly with the introduction of distance learning. The relevance of this issue is confirmed by the results of a survey conducted among teachers, the purpose of which was to identify difficulties in the selection of educational video content for technology lessons, the level of knowledge about the types of educational video, the necessary skills to make their own video; digital educational resources used by teachers in their work. The purpose of this article is to analyze the didactic opportunities of using educational video in technology lessons to study the topic «Technology of processing textile materials». The main methods for studying the problem are a survey and a pedagogical experiment, the essence of which is the introduction of new techniques and methods of pedagogical influence on the formation of students' skills and abilities in mastering the technology of processing textile materials with the help of educational video. The theoretical significance of the work is in the analysis of the literature on the issue. In addition, the system of requirements for educational video was theoretically substantiated and developed. The practical significance of the article lies in the proposed methodological material on the use of educational video in technology lessons to study the topic « Technology of processing textile materials».
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The problem of the low level of drawing skill among applicants from specialized educational institutions persists for years. Weak or undeveloped drawing skills of modern schoolchildren at the level of general and additional education, in turn, delay the development of the ability to solve professional design tasks by future engineers. We face this problem of graphic training of students both at the level of secondary vocational and higher education. The aim of this article is to examine the level of students' primary graphic skills in technical drawing, to determine the importance of graphic skills in the professional design training of future light industry engineers. To achieve this purpose, we analyzed up-to-date scientific works devoted to the issues of graphic education of engineering majors. The ability to draw by hand is noted as a basic skill of professional education, characterizing the level of spatial perception of graphic objects and, in general, the level of intelligence of an engineer. Russian and foreign authors note a low level of primary graphic culture among students, but this indicator is a necessary basis for successful design training, therefore, the indicated problem requires detailed study. The relevance of this problem is confirmed by the data of our research conducted in 2020 and 2021. This is about diagnostic experiment devoted to examination of students’ primary graphic skills when they made a technical drawing of dress. The experiment was carried out on the basis of "Kirov Technological College" and "Vyatka State University". The factual material was collected by the method of criteria-evaluative testing of students. To analyze the results of the diagnostic experiment, theoretical analytical methods were used with the application of mathematical statistics methods. In addition to questioning students, a survey was conducted among college and university staff. The survey made it possible to analyze the current situation from the point of view of teachers of higher and secondary vocational education, who confirmed the problem of poor graphic training of entrants. The theoretical significance of the work is in the analysis of highly specialized literature on the research problem, the study of the experience of teachers who practically teach engineering students. A system for evaluating the technical drawing of dress in the work of first-year students was theoretically substantiated and developed. The practical significance of the article lies in the methodological material for evaluation the primary graphic skills of students, as well as in a complete review of the diagnostic experiment conducted as part of a scientific research on the topic of teaching the technical drawing of dress to future light industry specialists.
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Now the goals of modern education are not the sum of students’ knowledge, skills. The goal of modern education is to develop personal, cognitive, and communicative students’ abilities so that students become successful and competitive individuals. There is a meta-subject learning result. Today, teachers do not have any difficulties in forming and developing meta-subject results of educational activities, but they do not know how to evaluate and diagnose the results. So, the article is devoted to the problem of diagnostics students’ educational results in the process of learning technology. We evaluate the meta-subject results by using diagnostic cards. This problem is relevant, because modern education is aimed at achieving meta-subject results of students’ learning. The purpose of the article is to provide methodological tools for diagnostics of regulatory universal learning actions of basic school students, which got an expert assessment. Evaluation of the results is made based on the implementation of interactive practices in technology lessons. We used the decomposition method for a system of regulatory universal learning actions diagnostics. Each individual operation has descriptors that define the levels of capability for certain actions. Practicing each individual operation (skill) will work on the formation and development of the action as a whole. The theoretical significance of the article is realized in a contribution to the development of scientific ideas about diagnostic materials in the field of evaluating meta-subject results. Practical significance is in detailed methodological development of diagnostics for regulatory universal learning actions of basic school students, so teachers of technology can use them, as well as teachers of other subject areas who work in the basic school.
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Professional career and social success of school graduates in the future depend greatly on the early choice of future profession. This vocational choice determines subsequent professional mobility. The right vocational choice is the most important condition for a young person to launch a professional career successfully. Moreover, it is as an urgent government task to educate a competitive professional. Teachers play the leading role in the professional socialization of high school students. Teachers may use various forms of vocational guidance, including innovative ones, to achieve career-oriented goals. Today, innovative vocational guidance work is an urgent pedagogical issue of the special significance. Nowadays, one of the innovative forms of vocational guidance is vocation trials, which make it possible for schoolchildren to learn professional tasks specific to a particular profession and to try the elements of particular type of labor activities. Thus, schoolchildren acquire practical experience of ‘immersion’ to the profession, which allows them to make the informed choice in favor of a particular profession. The purpose of the paper is to describe the methodology of designing vocation trials. Moreover, the authors present the experiment results obtained during the specific vocation trial “profession of a photographer”. This study uses the following scientific methods: monographic analysis, modeling of pedagogical processes, questioning and analysis of the vocation trials results. During the monographic analysis the authors specify the “vocation trial’ concept and show various points of view on its interpretation. The paper analyzes realization of vocation trials and describes authors’ approach to the design and implementation of the vocation trial “profession of a photographer”. The results of the study clearly demonstrate that vocation trials help schoolchildren to make more informed choice in favor of a particular profession basing on personal experience and their own vocation trial. The theoretical significance of the paper is due to the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the pedagogical designing of vocation trials, stages and conditions. The practical significance lies in the detailed methodological development of “vocation trials” pedagogical technology, which allows teachers and social instructors to use the technology as the innovative form of vocational guidance. Moreover, the proposed methodology can be used at universities.
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The paper proposes a model of integration of disciplines in the course of subject preparation of the future clothing designers; the stages of learning the design of overalls on the basis of an integrative approach.