Keyword: «ergonym»
Socio-economic changes in Yakutia and in Russia at the end of the last and the beginning of this century gave rise to a large number of enterprises that needed names (ergonyms). A successful ergonym will ensure commercial success if it is original, harmonious and well remembered. We examined the names of construction organizations in the linguistic space of a multinational city and tried to find out the peculiarities of their writing, semantic motivation and structure.
The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of ergonomics that are an obligatory part of any modern city – the names of jewelry companies, shops and salons of the city of Yakutsk. The article analyzes these linguistic units in linguoculturological, structural and semantic aspects. The names of jewelry companies, shops and salons are part of the urban linguistic culture, an element of the language space of the city, where their communicative implementation takes place.