Keyword: «hostility»

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From the perspective of the constructivist approach, the concept of "aggression" is viewed, the limits of the concepts "inside" and "outside" are established, their explanatory characteristics are given and the approach to the classification of aggression from the perspective of its impact on personal and professional development is suggested.
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The relevance of the study of the inclination to cyberbullying in older teenagers is explained by the increasingly widespread occurrence of this phenomenon. The purpose of the article is to formulate the concept of "cyberbullying", to analyze the causes and characteristics of the categories of children who engage in bullying on the Internet. The main method of empirical research was the questionnaire method. The article presents the results of studying the tendency to cyberbullying in older teenagers, which is expressed by a low level of tolerance, hostility and aggressiveness. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the revealed characteristics of adolescents are the basis for organizing preventive work in an educational organization.
The article is devoted to the training and education of cadets of THE University Branch of the VUNC air force "VVA". Confrontation of the teacher with the cadets and cadets among themselves is a common part of everyday life in the barracks of the UNIVERSITY, because many of the negative aspects of the applicants brought from school or after serving in the army. Unfortunately, today it is impossible to call conflicts a favorable situation in the learning process, it is difficult and difficult for a long time to settle them and bring them into the sphere of business (professional and educational) communication.
The article presents a study aimed at determining the relationship between the influence of the level of alexithymia and aggression on the development of psychoemotional disorders in men and women. The study involved 50 male (25) and female (25) individuals aged 18 to 23 years. According to primary data, it was found that 60% of the total number of subjects studied (100%) have high performance in three main methods: Toronto alexithymic scale (TAS), hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS), bass – darkey aggression questionnaire. This may indicate that these participants are at risk of developing psychoemotional disorders, psychosomatic disorders.