Keyword: «initiative»

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Theoretically-applied aspects of development of initiative as one of socially important qualities of the personality in the course of vocational training of students are considered in the article
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To date, investment activity is the basis of the socio - economic development of any region, it is a complex and multifaceted process that is affected by many factors, especially psychological and economic. Thereby arises the need to consider the influence of these factors on specific example of the region (in this case Orel) detailing justification each element of the system.
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The article raised the issue about the possibilities of music lessons as a component of the use of health-technology in the modern elementary school. Identified the main characteristics of health-technology in the classroom music, cited as examples of exercises which use music in the classroom allows you to save the health of the student.
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The article is devoted to the disclosure of the psychological characteristics of children of senior preschool age with different levels of initiative and diligence in the process of solving educational problems. The concepts of "initiative", "intellectual initiative and their features.
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The article describes the specific features of the managing of additional children education, revealed a dy-namic dimension of the process of innovation. The author proves the necessity of the thematic issue of sci-entific and methodological magazine "Concept" reflecting the technology development of creative potential of students and shows it's meaningful plan.