Keyword: «innovations in education»

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The article describes the main trends in the use of modern training and educating students. Particular attention is drawn to the results of the use of innovative learning tools to create an effective learning environment in which students can achieve not only high performance in teaching, but also to develop their potential in research work, based on the solution of problems of scientific creativity through participation replicated in Lyceum number 21 of Kirov innovative projects.
So, by the educational activity of primary school students, we mean an independent activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge, skills, methods of action and their practical application in situations of uncertainty, manifested in the acquisition of experience, having an objective or subjective novelty. One of the essential features of the portrait of a younger student is the arbitrariness of his behavior, which is expressed in initiative, willingness to take risks, the desire to create something new, the ability to plan and set goals for action in the internal plan, to find ways to achieve them, stubbornly overcoming the existing difficulties. In this article, the author made an attempt to scientific analysis and critical understanding of modern forms and methods of organizing education in primary school.