Keyword: «investment policy»

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The author deals with the organization of financial management at an enterprise of building sector of Russia.
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The article is devoted to solving problems in the field of investment and investment is vital to economic growth and is closely associated with many aspects of the functioning of economic systems around the world. The necessary factor for sustainable socio-economic development of regions is the high level of investment activity, analyzed by author.
Investment activity of commercial banks includes activities to attract capital by using various market instruments real assets and stock values, with the objective of capital appreciation. The article describes the investment objectives of the banks to improve their profitability, financial stability and enhance the effectiveness of the whole. The basic tools that enable banks to achieve the relevant objectives: profit, risk diversification, the maintenance of liquidity. For detail assessment of investment activities of banks analyzed the composition and structure of banks ' investments in debt and equity instruments of the stock market. Also presents a brief analysis of the investment preferences of commercial banks, in respect of those instruments, which are typical for the current economic situation in the country.
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With the development of stock markets, with the new types of professional activities emergence and introduction of new financial instruments, commercial banks began to expand the types of transactions with the tools of the securities market in domestic practice. Financial institutions accumulate huge resource base, performing deposit operations and servicing of customer accounts. Having attracted huge sums of money, the bank must charge and pay interest. Therefore, operations conducted by the bank on stock market by placing surplus funds in securities market tools are a competitive alternative to credit market for funds allocation. Implemented operations with securities are concentrated in the framework of any commercial bank’s investment department that buys and sells them both at the expense of the bank and on behalf of its clients.
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The author reveals the problems that industrial enterprises face in the development of investment policy, considers the process of investment management as the main way of their solution. The main criteria for selecting the state industrial policy priorities are analyzed. A generalized methodology for selecting industrial policy criteria is given. The author substantiates the thesis that the formation and implementation of effective investment policy should become a key factor in enterprise management.