Keyword: «mind»

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The twentieth century is considered to be the “century of crowds” (S. Moscovici). The whole series of studies is devoted to studying the phenomenon of the crowd, in which the crowd (mass) is presented in general as a “social animal” that needs taming. Today, the research of mass spontaneous behavior continues – with the only difference that a “negative” anthropology, based solely on distrust of the phenomenon, has been replaced by a “positive” one: the crowd, being an ambivalent phenomenon, being at the intersection of the individual and the collective, conscious and unconscious, can show different sides – to be both as "stupid" (mostly destructive), and "clever" (G. Reingold). A radical change in the view of the crowd as a social phenomenon, its revaluation was promoted by the relatively recent theoretical shift in its consideration: from the crowd as an object to the crowd as a subject of social action. In this connection, it became possible to identify the essential signs of “clever crowd” (ability for self-organization and rationality). The article details the content of negative and positive views on the crowd, their advantages and disadvantages; technology of working with the crowd, including those that allow you to turn it into a “clever” one, thereby opening up new horizons for the development and renewal of the democratic form of society.
This article describes the main specific features of the mind process of children with the general underdevelopment of speech, defined psychological and pedagogical conditions of the organization of correctional activities for the development of preschoolers mind. In addition, the authors offer a rationale for the use of educational games in this process.
This article reveals the influence of a foreign language on a person's thinking, vision of the world and his lifestyle. The work is based on the analysis of research related to the synthesis of information about the surrounding reality of people of different nationalities. The author draws conclusions about how a foreign language forms a different thinking and behavior of a person, based on the information received
The article analyzes the linguistic means of the German and English languages, namely: words and phrases, including frequently repeated ones, evaluative vocabulary, proverbs and sayings, elements of word-making used by famous personalities in their interviews to form an idea of their inner world, peculiarities of thinking, life attitudes, principles, attitude to issues of ethics and morality.