Valentina S. Chernyavskaya

City: Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Work: Vladivostok State University
Post: Professor, Department of Philosophy and Legal Psychology
100 Publications in RSCI
8 H-index
21 PAPAI index
18 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of the study is determined by the need to find ways to correct high personal anxiety in people with early maladaptive schemes. The aim of the work is to find a connection between the locus of control and the manifestation of early maladaptive schemes. A brief description of some early maladaptive schemes is given. The main theoretical aspects of the concept of the locus of control are considered. The data of our own empirical study on a sample of adults with different maladaptive schemes are presented, which reveal a correlation between the severity of early maladaptive schemes manifestation and the localization of the control locus. The result of studies aimed at examination the relationship between the locus of control and the level of manifestation of such early maladaptive schemes as "vulnerability", "failure", "social alienation" is presented.
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The issues of the quality of teachers’ professional activity are the issues of the future society. Constant changes in society leave a negative imprint on the activity of the teacher, increase the workload. The limit of the strength and capabilities of the teacher levels the values of the activity and work of the students. The ability to differentiate significant and insignificant areas of activity decreases. The pedagogical orientation, which has been actively studied for decades, remains an important personal and professional quality of a teacher, integrating various aspects of teacher’s work and providing educational results. The current situation requires the provision of theoretical grounds for the implementation of the most important part of the pedagogical orientation, which remains a category with a wide range of understanding and an insufficiently resource-based method of diagnosis. The purpose of the article: substantiation of the phenomenon of pedagogical intentionality as a component of pedagogical orientation, presentation of diagnostic potential and research results. Leading research approaches: phenomenological, humanistic, personal activity-oriented, cultural-historical and theoretical approaches to the study of the abilities of the teacher. The leading method of the empirical part of the study is intent analysis, which allows us to identify the content in the text that reflects the motivational side of the text, the author's intentions behind the speech. Results of the work: in the course of a theoretical review of domestic and foreign studies, the essence and role of pedagogical intentionality in the activity of a teacher is shown as a key component of pedagogical orientation, which, in turn, is an integrative personal and professional characteristic of a teacher that determines educational results. The method of studying the pedagogical intentionality of the teacher is substantiated and presented. The results of the study of pedagogical intentionality on a sample of 128 teachers are shown. It was revealed that only a smaller part of them showed the presence of pedagogical intentionality. The theoretical significance of the article consists in the development of a new conceptual and diagnostic apparatus of pedagogical intentionality. The practical significance lies in a detailed and reproducible method of research and diagnosis of the teacher's pedagogical intentionality.
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The lack of definite values in modern general education and, accordingly, educational strategies entails a problem: it is difficult to develop age-related resources for junior teenagers within the framework of educational strategies. The purpose of the study is to justify the conditions for the development of regional identity: knowledge about the city and a positive attitude towards it. The urban environment is considered as a space of meanings and implications, which are essential for education. It is shown that the age resources of junior teenagers in the course of the project are updated, cognitive resources and meta-subject competences are developed.
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The urgency of the researched problem is due to the new demands of society and the state on the results that the general education system should achieve. Changes in the format of the FSES results, established on the methodology of the system-activity approach, entail new tasks for teachers and students. The authors demonstrate the urgency of new goals and results of education for the young generation within the framework of a prefigurative culture. They substantiate the need to consider the new phenomenon of “self-discovery of abilities” in the context of school education. The purpose of the article is a theoretical description of student's abilities self-discovery problem in the context of educational goals. The following tasks were solved: a review of domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical research on the topic of self-discovery was prepared, in particular, the results of the self-discovery abilities of high school students in connection with their professional self-determination were shown, domestic theories of abilities were systematized, as well as modern foreign data. The system-activity approach and the theory of abilities were used as the leading approaches to the study of the problem. The method of theoretical analysis was used. Main results of the work: the necessity of studying the student's self-discovery abilities is proved, since the scientific base is shown: the system-activity approach, theories of abilities, and the subject of professional self-determination has been developed. The dynamics of a student's ability are justified as the goal of education. It is shown that the work of the teacher goes on as the process of creating an environment for the development of abilities and competences of the student. As a result of this interaction, the student discovers himself primarily as the owner of some promising resources. Thus, self-discovery of abilities for oneself occurs. The pedagogical intentionality is substantiated as a modern teacher’s competence, which lets a teacher to make the dynamics of the student's ability and competence increments of the student the subject of his activity and the result of the student’s work. The theoretical significance is due to the introduction and interpretation of new concepts regarding the context of general education and the activity of a teacher: “self-discovery of the abilities of a high school student”, “pedagogical intentionality”. The practical significance of the work consists in applicability of a high school student’s abilities self-discovery ideas for his pedagogical support and providing opportunities for abilities self-discovery. Pedagogical intentionality may be the basis for a change in teaching practice, including the process of methodological developing lessons and work plans, which makes it possible for the teacher to work in accordance with the FSES.
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The article presents the results of the study. The urgency of studying the psychological characteristics of foreign students who study in Russian universities is justified. The differences of socio-cultural peculiarities in different countries complicate the already difficult period of yesterday's schoolchildren adaptation to the University. Adaptation, existential fulfillment of students was studied in groups of students from Russia and from abroad. The results showed that there was no reliable difference between these groups of students in the parameters of social and cultural adaptation, as well as its existential fulfillment components: self-distancing, self-transcendence, freedom, responsibility.