Keyword: «socio-cultural competence»

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In the age of multi-cultural dialogue especially important is the development of multilingual and multicultural linguistic identity. It is the bearer of linguistic and intercultural competences who is able to participate fully in intercultural communication, to realize itself in the dialogue of cultures. The successful formation of the lan-guage and multicultural personality is directly related to the ability to manage their learning activities. There-fore, the basic principles underlying the innovative methods of teaching foreign languages should be: indi-viduality, independence and continuity of learning levels
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The paper attempts to show the main stages of formation and development of various forms of extracurricular activities on the Ukrainian language through the prism of time; to find out their characteristics and identify their main trends; to understand the need of non-standard forms of extracurricular activities in 8-9 classes at modern school; to offer the material that the teacher can use in his work.
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The article is devoted to the analysis of a fairy tale as a motivation component in communicative compe-tence forming. The paper reveals the role of fairy tales in foreign language acquisition and proposes the types of tasks aimed at improving the skills of foreign-language communication and forming socio-linguistic competence.
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The article presents effective methods of developing the sociocultural competence of future teachers, identifies the basic requirements for the selection of information, and provides an analysis of specific methods on the basis of an inter-ethnic group.
The article summarizes the author’s experience of using various tasks when teaching English to Education majors – future primary school and English language teachers (Primary education and the English language) with the aim of arousing and developing interest in different art forms. The results of the survey of first-third-year students are described and analyzed; examples of creative tasks conducted with the Education majors are given and their educative value is analyzed.