Keyword: «word formation»

This article deals with the problem of storagefeminitives in modern dictionaries. Word-forming suffixes are identified in the analyzed lexemes. Their frequency is determined thanks to diagrams. The aspect dictionary of feminitives is considered in its comparison with explanatory dictionaries.
The subject of the study was neologisms that are actively used in speech by the younger generation, as well as in the field of show business and the Internet. The purpose of this study was to identify the source of their origin and methods of education. The result of the study showed that most words do not differ in the originality of word-formation models and represent a complete sound and semantic repetition of the source language.
The article is devoted to the problem of language variability, namely the active processes taking place at the word-formation level of the modern Russian language. The article describes such most productive models as the formation of names of people, abstract nouns, relative adjectives, verbal nouns, verbs, prefixes, compound words and abbreviations. All word-formation models are illustrated with examples from the texts of the periodical “Arguments and Facts”.
The article deals with verbs which characterize various aspects of the speech process and are active in Bоrbushino village dialect, Kirillovsky district, Vologda region. Word-forming nests which develop on the basis of such verbs are observed.
The relevance of the analyzed problem is due to the fact that the word-formation level of literary texts is an important source of creating a general expression of a literary work. The author's word formation reflects the idiosyncrasies of the writer or poet. The purpose of the study is to identify the artistic role of word-formation occasionalisms in the poetic works of Vera Polozkova. The results of the analysis showed that the nouns formed from pronouns according to unproductive models have the greatest expression in the texts studied.