Keyword: «word-formation»

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The paper is devoted to the problem of compound nouns translation in specialized texts (in terms of the German language) for non-linguistic students. The methods of compound noun parts identification and the order of their translation are described.
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This article discusses the recently emerged in Russian language neologisms that appeared as a result of word-formation derivation of borrowing from other languages, contamination of two words or phrases, as well as the mixing of the Cyrillic and Latin graphic notation. Explained the value of the most actively used in order to motivate the reasons for their introduction. And characteristic features of word-formation and formal data neoplasms. The article also neologisms are classified by fields of use and sources of borrowing. Determined the validity / invalidity of entry of the foreign words in the active vocabulary of most native speakers of Russian.
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The article examines the problem of motivating students to skills of literate writing in the aspect of vocabu-lary words in the Russian language lessons in primary school, a new approach to work on vocabulary words, increases the interest in their study.
The article examines the colloquial vocabulary of the German language, its word-formation potential and the need for methods of teaching the German language in word-formation dictionaries of various types. The article pays special attention to two types of word-formation dictionary of colloquial vocabulary and presents the author's concept of the structure of these lexicographical aids.