Valentina Shadrova

City: Slavyansk-na-Kybani
0 Publications in RSCI
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4 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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The article examines the problem of motivating students to skills of literate writing in the aspect of vocabu-lary words in the Russian language lessons in primary school, a new approach to work on vocabulary words, increases the interest in their study.
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This paper presents a study of activization of educational activity of first-graders in lessons on literacy. The question how to build training for students to enhance their learning activities. Describes the types of work conducted with students, and also presents the results of ascertaining stage of the experiment.
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In connection with the emergence of new priorities in education, from elementary school students need not only to be educated intellectually, but also be able to think creatively, independently analyze and solve problem situations, to act flexibly in accordance with the ever-changing world. One solution to this problem is the use of modern educational technologies. This article discusses the importance of and the need for problem-based learning technologies in the educational process, as well as provides results of the work on activation of informative activity of younger schoolboys at russian lessons.