Keyword: «spelling skill»

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In article in theoretical aspect modern representations on a problem of studying of a disorthography of school students are considered. In article results of research of features of spelling skill of school students are analyzed, the reasons, mechanisms and symptomatology of this violation of children are in detail con-sidered.
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In article in theoretical aspect modern representations on a problem of correction of a dizorfography at school students are considered. The author reveals the main theoretical provisions and the principles based on system of logopedic work, the dizorfography directed to elimination at pupils of the fifth classes of comprehensive schools.
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In article in theoretical aspect modern representations on a problem of correction of a dizorfography at school students are considered. The author reveals the main theoretical provisions and the principles based on system of logopedic work, the dizorfography directed to elimination at pupils of the fifth classes of comprehensive schools.
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The article examines the problem of motivating students to skills of literate writing in the aspect of vocabu-lary words in the Russian language lessons in primary school, a new approach to work on vocabulary words, increases the interest in their study.
This article is devoted to the problem of the formation of literate spelling of vocabulary words at the initial stage of schooling. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that spelling is a key task of teaching Russian to every student. The methods of memorizing the spelling of vocabulary words, exercises for vocabulary and spelling work in elementary school are described.