Darya Pogonceva
ART 192006
The article discusses the features of men’s acceptance of discriminatory attitudes towards girls in hijab and without it. The article presents the results of the study, which involved 371 men aged 18 to 55 years old, average age of 25 years, residents of Rostov-on-Don, Russia. It is concluded that men are not inclined to approve discriminatory behavior to the girls in the hijab or without it.
ART 172003
The article considers modern researches of appearance. The scheme is presented that reflects the appearance phenomenon study structure. In the presented scheme, two main groups of appearance studies are distinguished: depending on who is the subject and who is the object of evaluation. In addition, the three-component structure of each group of studies is distinguished, which includes cognitive, emotional and behavioral components.
ART 13263
The author deals with modern social and cultural phenomenon selfie in terms of its social and psychological role. The phenomenon selfie is a self-portrait made by phone or computer camera for self-presentation in the virtual space. The author provides the quantitative analysis of self-representation in the virtual space us-ing selfie pictures.
ART 13107
The author discusses the phenomenon of human beauty as an interdisciplinary matter and gives the definitions of beauty and related terms in philosophy, aesthetics and psychology. The modern view on beauty as a social and psychological phenomenon is also viewed in the article.
ART 13018
This paper reviews the current understanding of virtual communication and specific self-presentation in the virtual space, motives for choosing one or another avatar, depending on the situation of communication. There are the results of the empirical study, which describes the peculiarities of teenage self-presentation in the virtual space.