Urii Glazynov

City: Kaliningrad
51 Publications in RSCI
4 H-index
11 PAPAI index
9 Publications in the journal


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The act is considered from the standpoint of mathematical psychology. The author introduces the concept “act weight”; establishes that the character of motivation determines the act weight. The basis for measure-ment of act weight is the energy of motivation. The connection of motivation energy and emotional experiences is found. Unit of measurement of weight act is suggested.
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The paper deals with the role and place of will regulation in the decision-making process, the steps of the motivational process and points of bifurcation of the motivation process. The uncertainty of the situation plays an important role in this process. It is shown that the uncertainty in the process of motivation can be caused by both lack and excess of information. The Author proves the connection between motivation and the personal energy.
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The paper views the connection of act and will. The act is defined as a short-term activity. It is shown that the act motivation has a direct link with manifestation of will. The author considers steps of motivation process development and corresponded to them reasons of the manifestation of will; shows that the decision-making process can be identified as an act motivation.
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The technology of dehydration fish with cyclical periods of drying and relaxation facility dehydration. This technology is aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the processes of dehydration by drying and cold-smoked fish. Relaxation object dehydration is most effective in a period of falling drying rate. The use of the proposed technology can reduce energy costs in the production of dried and smoked products by 8-12% as compared to conventional technology.