Marina Zaeva

City: Novosibirsk
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2 Publications in the journal


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Today, we can observe a steady trend towards an increase in the number of children with a complex structure of speech disorders from preschool age already, which, in turn, lead to inadequacy of the child in the formation of communication skills, decrease in speech activity, as well as unpreparedness for schooling. That is why there is a constant need to focus on the full and high-quality formation of speech in children at an early stage of development. In order to do this work efficiently, it is necessary to know not only its entire structure, but also what it is necessary to fill its content with. Nowadays, there are a huge number of methodologies and techniques aimed at the formation and development of speech of children with various speech pathologies. Many of them comply with the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and form a necessary basis in the correctional and developmental process. Nevertheless, preschool education requires the introduction of innovations in order to increase efficiency in achieving the set goals. The purpose of the article is to confirm the advisability and effectiveness of the innovative technology “Speech box” introduction in correctional speech therapy work with children for the development of speech. The use of this technology allows us not only to increase the motivational component in preschoolers, but also to solve several tasks for the correction and development of speech simultaneously, which makes it possible to mobilize the abilities of each child and achieve the desired result in a shorter time. The article provides examples of working with this technology in the correction process.
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This article is devoted to creative narration and the problem of its development in children with general underdevelopment of speech. The authors give reasoning and description of the hierarchical structure of the methods system and techniques aimed at the development of creative narration in this category of children.