Irina Kireeva

City: Lobnya
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7 Publications in the journal


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In today's world, it becomes important for foreign students to communicate and interact within the framework of intercultural communication, involving active participation in the system of national values, traditions, customs, norms and rules of behaviour in the target language country. In this respect there is a contradiction between the potential of teaching Russian as a foreign language in formation of not only communicative, but also the universal competence of foreign students and the lack of effective didactical conditions of its formation. The need to resolve the contradictions determined the problem of our study: what is the potential of didactic conditions for using communicative games method in teaching Chinese students Russian as a foreign language in the formation of universal competence. The purpose of this study is to develop didactic conditions for the use of communicative-game method in teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students. The article was prepared on the basis of the use of personal-activity and communicative approaches. A set of mutually-validating and complementary research methods was also used: methods of theoretical analysis; diagnostic methods; interview; methods of statistical data processing. According to the results of the study, it was found that the optimization of the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students would be more effective with the use of the developed didactic conditions for using the communicative-game method. The theoretical value and novelty of the work lies in the fact that the didactic conditions for using the communicative-game method in teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students from a position of personal-active and communicative approaches are scientifically justified. The theoretical and practical foundations of the communicative-game method of teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students in Russian and foreign universities are identified and established. The practical significance of the study is in determining the most effective methods and forms of game work at various stages of practical classes in Russian as a foreign language, contributing to the formation of communicative and universal competences of Chinese students.
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The search for ways to optimize the teaching of a professionally-oriented foreign language has recently become more active. In this regard, of particular interest are the study of the theory and practice of applying a number of intensive psychological and pedagogical methods and the application of innovations to the traditional methodology of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language. In this regard, this article is devoted to such an urgent topic as the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' analytical abilities to study a professionally oriented foreign language. The purpose of this study is to design psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' analytical abilities to study a professionally oriented foreign language. Basic research methods: study and theoretical analysis of scientific works on psychology and pedagogy; analysis of programs and educational literature of Russian and foreign universities, traditional and intensive teaching methods for professionally oriented foreign language; generalization of advanced Russian and foreign pedagogical experience; questionnaires, observation, conversations, role-playing games and situations, testing; pedagogical experiment in the conditions of real teaching a professionally-oriented foreign language in Russian and foreign universities; statistical processing of experimental results. According to the results of the work, the effectiveness of the proposed psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' analytical abilities to study a professionally-oriented foreign language is theoretically grounded and experimentally verified. The validity of the proposed psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' analytical abilities to study a professionally oriented foreign language is theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the proposed psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of students' analytical abilities to study a professionally oriented foreign language are introduced into the specific educational process of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language in Russian and foreign universities. Methodological recommendations on the use of the developed psychological and pedagogical conditions for teachers of foreign languages are developed.
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The dominance of the highly informative methods of teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic universities and the lack of use of technology of project activities in a foreign language, which enables to develop communicative skills of future specialists as the basis of their readiness for intercultural communication, determine the relevance of the research in the article. The aim of the research is the theoretical substantiation, development and testing of experimental models by means of communicative skills formation in students of non-linguistic universities during the implementation of project activities in a foreign language. The article was prepared on the basis of the following methods use: analysis, questionnaire, interview, observation, survey, pedagogical observation and generalization of personal teaching experience, experimental teaching in student groups, method of expert evaluations, ranking, analysis of students’ project work products, pedagogical experiment, and statistical methods. According to the results, the paper presents theoretical and practical justification of the need to develop the model of communicative skills formation among students of non-linguistic universities during implementation of project activities in a foreign language. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it defines the structure of communicative skills in the implementation of project activities in a foreign language; it identifies and justifies the directions of project activities in a foreign language for students of a non-linguistic university, contributing to the effective formation of their communicative skills during the implementation of project activities in a foreign language. The practical significance of the research results: a set of training tasks has been developed aimed at the formation of communicative skills among students of a non-linguistic university during the implementation of project activities in a foreign language; the content of projects for students of non-linguistic universities was worked out; a set of diagnostic materials was worked out to evaluate the results of project-oriented learning activities of students of a non-linguistic university while learning a foreign language.
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The relevance of the study is determined by: insufficient research of theoretical issues related to teaching communicative grammar to students of non-linguistic universities in the domestic methodology; the need to develop methods for intensifying teaching of communicative English grammar and creating an appropriate model, taking into account the systematization of teaching methods and tools. The aim of the study is the theoretical and practical justification of the methodology of intensification of teaching communicative English grammar in a non-linguistic university. To achieve the goal of the study, the following methods were used: cognitive-generalizing methods; analysis of linguistic-didactic requirements for the content of the program for teaching a foreign language students of non-linguistic universities; diagnostic methods (questioning, interviewing students, group and individual conversations); prognostic methods; conducting experimental training in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed complex of communicative grammar tasks; mathematical methods (student testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained). According to the results of the study, the article presents the theoretical and practical justification of the need and significance of developing a methodology for intensifying teaching communicative English grammar in a non-linguistic university. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the scientific and practical justification of the interactive model of teaching students communicative English grammar. The pedagogical model includes: the stages of the formation and development of communicative grammatical skills and abilities; functionally systematized teaching methods; criteria for the selection and organization of educational grammatical material, taking into account the specifics of the learning environment; criteria for assessing the level of formation of communicative grammatical skills. The practical value of the study lies in the creation of an interactive model for teaching communicative grammar using the algorithm for the formation of communicative grammar skills and abilities based on a set of grammatical tasks that implement the research methodology.
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Modification of the educational environment in the process of teaching students a foreign language in college requires the development of fundamentally new approaches to the organization of educational work, which allows us to take into account the maximum number of various factors that have some influence on the process of learning a foreign language in college, its quality and results. At present, a very small number of scientific works are devoted to the study of changes in the educational environment in the process of teaching students a foreign language in college. At the same time, it becomes more and more obvious that the improvement of vocational education quality in the process of teaching a foreign language may be achieved only by activating all the educational factors, included in the educational environment, integrating them into a harmonious unity and appropriate modification. These circumstances determine the relevance of the research topic. The aim of the research in the article is to identify and determine the directions of the educational environment modification in the process of teaching students a foreign language in college. The article is prepared on the basis of the following methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of domestic and foreign literature on the topic of the study, pedagogical observation and the method of analyzing the educational environment in the process of teaching students a foreign language in the College of Modern Technologies named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.F. Panov (Moscow). According to the results of the research, the article presents the directions of the educational environment modification in the process of teaching students a foreign language in college, the essence and methods of implementing the modified educational environment in accordance with various tasks during learning foreign languages. The theoretical significance of the research: the main methodological positions concerning the problem of the organization of the educational environment in the process of teaching a foreign language in the system of secondary vocational education (SVE) are analyzed and summarized. The practical significance of the research results: we identified the key factors affecting the emotional condition of students and interfering with productive educational activity in certain classrooms during learning foreign languages within the framework of skilled workers training system. Key directions of the educational environment modification in the process of teaching students a foreign language in college have been identified and determined. The main provisions and conclusions may be used in the process of academic staff training and upgrade training courses for college teachers.