Irina Kireeva

City: Lobnya
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7 Publications in the journal


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At the present stage of Russian education development, the problem of improving the quality of college students’ professional training in learning English according to the requirements of World Skills International remains urgent. World Skills International (WSI) is an international non-profit association. Its goal is to improve the status and standards of professional training and qualifications. Therefore, the orientation to the requirements of this association in preparation of college students for working professions in learning English seems to be an important component of their education. Practical command of professionally oriented English language becomes a significant indicator of a future specialist training quality and is an essential component in professional work. The foregoing proves the need to train specialists not only knowing English, but who are intended to develop professional intercultural communication and interaction in the field of professional activity. The purpose of this study in the article is to provide a scientific and practical justification for the need to improve the quality of professional training for college students in learning English, taking into account the requirements of World Skills International. The article is prepared on the basis of the following methods: theoretical review and analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the research problem, pedagogical observation and generalization of professionally oriented English teaching experience in the college. On the basis of the research results, the article presents the scientific substantiation of priority forms and methods of teaching the discipline "Foreign Language (English)" in accordance with the requirements of FSES basic professional education program, concerning specialty 54.02.01 "Design (by industries)", and professional exam World Skills. The theoretical significance of the research is due to the fact that the main theoretical and methodological guidelines on the issue of teaching professionally oriented English are analyzed and summarized; the content of World Skills International requirements for training specialists in a college are revealed. The practical significance of the research results is in determining priority forms and methods for improving the quality of college students’ professional training in learning English according to the requirements of World Skills International. The gradual learning of professionally oriented English by the college students is going on within the framework of the worked out practical classes. The main provisions and conclusions may be used by teachers of colleges in the process of preparing specialty 54.02.01 "Design (by industries)" students for the international professional exam World Skills.
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The urgency of the problem stated in the article is conditioned by the necessity to analyze the mechanisms of informational support to the Russian higher inclusive education. From this viewpoint, teaching a foreign language requires new approaches to the use of the linguistic and educational potential of e-learning modalities in order to develop the personal skills of students with disabilities, to encourage their creative thinking, and to form the ability of finding strategic solutions to both academic pursuits and practical tasks when learning a foreign language. The purpose of this study is to scientifically and practically substantiate the linguo-didactic potential of electronic teaching aids (ETA) when teaching foreign languages in inclusive education. The research is based on the following methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the Russian and foreign learned treatises on the subject, pedagogical observation and the method of analyzing communicative competence in teaching foreign language to students with disabilities in an inclusive university. Based on the research findings, the article presents the scientific substantiation, essence and structure of the integrated implementation of the electronic teaching aids linguo-didactic potential in teaching foreign languages in inclusive education. The theoretical value of the research is as follows: it analyzes and summarizes the main theoretical approaches to ETA linguo-didactic potential in inclusive foreign languages teaching; reveals and defines the concept of "electronic teaching aids" in the system of social and humanitarian knowledge; specifies the ETA characteristics. The practical significance of the research results lies in distinguishing the components of the methodological support for using the ETA linguo-didactic potential when teaching foreign languages in an inclusive educational institution. The basic premises can be used in scientific and pedagogical staff training and upgrade training courses for university teachers who work with students with disabilities.