Valentina Dolgova

City: Chelyabinsk
374 Publications in RSCI
23 H-index
84 PAPAI index
27 Publications in the journal


In the article the features of development of innovative educational technologies, teachers of correctional schools; referred to as elements of the overall structure of professional competence, personal qualities and key components of psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher; presents subjective and objective-subjective (psychological-pedagogical) conditions and professionally important qualities of teachers; the analysis of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and levels of professional competence.
The article deals with the problem of tolerant attitude formation. The content analysis of "tolerance" reveals its basic components: general features of tolerance. This article determines the aim and the basic principle of tolerant attitude. This means that further evolution of society and its cooperation may be kept only in conditions of representatives of different cultures’ dialogue, who would be able understand and appreciate different culture as their own one. The education of foreign students to appreciate friendliness, and other people without regard to their national, social o religious identity, without regard to their opinion, world-view, or mode of behavior – all these help to build a healthy society, which in its turn is the main task of tolerant attitude. All these are the components of evolution of tolerance at the pedagogical university.