Valentina Dolgova

City: Chelyabinsk
374 Publications in RSCI
23 H-index
84 PAPAI index
27 Publications in the journal


In the present article describes the progress and results of the study of emotional stability of teachers for inclusive education, as well as data on a secondary diagnosis of the same sample after the psychological and educational program for managing emotional state.
The article explores the problem of gender features of psychological adaptation of first-graders to the school; it is shown that boys and girls differ psychological adaptation to the school; presents the results of research of gender features of psychological adaptation of first-graders to the school.
The paper reveals the conditions affecting the formation of self-esteem, as well as the impact of parent-child relationship in the formation of the self-assessment of the senior preschool age children. Influence of relationships on self-esteem of teachers of preschoolers. The mechanisms of formation of self-assessment in the preschool child in the assessment of significant adults (parents, teachers); based on their own experience; to communicate with their peers on the basis of information as a result of the solution of specific problems.
In the article the features of adolescents with an increased measure of aggression; the stating experiment (N=120, age 15-16 years) using the methodology of «Test Eysenck"» to identify the emotional stability and methods of «Test emotions» Вass- Durka to identify the level of aggressiveness. The results indicate that 10 podrostkov reveals a high level of aggressive state. This suggests incontinence, difficulties in communication with people, demonstrate superiority relative to peers.
this article discusses the possibility of using TRIZ technology in the organization of work on development of creative imagination of the senior preschool children in preschool educational institutions. Called methods and techniques of TRIZ technologies adapted and effectively used in working with children of preschool age. TRIZ provides methods and algorithms that help the child in creative search.